Have to wonder about the Blades supporter who first noticed him . . . a bloke, by the way . . .
I'm pretty sure it's him, LB and Mike - the hair is right for the period - but you're entitled to your opinion and I won't argue.
Look what I found while looking for a pic of him in Fool's Gold (which was 1992) - I don't think I've ever seen this one (though that may just be me!):
More Hollywood Stars workout at Cynergi
Hollywood actor Sean Bean has been working out at Cynergi by Reebok during his time in Malta, while shooting Helen of Troy. The muscular Mr. Bean, who is playing the part of Odysseus in this Warner Brothers movie, has been visiting the health club frequently with his trainer.
Sean Bean is a renowned actor who can be seen in many blockbusters, such as Lord of the Rings, Golden Eye and Patriot Games. He is one of many film stars who have visited Cynergi by Reebok in the recent weeks. Brad Pitt, Rupert Everett and Orlando Bloom have also been spotted regularly at this St. George's Bay health club.
http://www.edenleisure.com/cynergi/whatshot.htmOne of his very BEST periods, IMO. That little picture makes me go all wibbly . . .