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Is Sable guilty of making derogatory comments, mocking or badmouthing other people on any forums or social networking site?

0 (0%)
13 (100%)

Total Members Voted: 6

Voting closed: March 19, 2010, 09:20:48 PM

Author Topic: Is Sable a bad person  (Read 8119 times)

Offline Sable899

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Is Sable a bad person
« on: March 12, 2010, 08:20:48 PM »
The reason for this poll:

At times, I have found it necessary to explain why and/or when some things won't be posted on SBO. I've also let our resident ghost disappear with inappropriate posts that can harm someone.  This usually happens when I receive a message from someone asking why SBO doesn't do this or that because some other website has done this or that.  I try to explain the logic behind my decisions and as far as I know they are generally accepted as being sound decisions.  I had a lot of education in decision-making over the course of a 20 year military career and I think I learned how to do it quite well, considering that I'm still alive to tell you about it.  Well, I, me personally, have been handed some serious accusations concerning not only MY badmouthing and mocking but also about letting SBO members do it on other sites which I don't have any control of.  I didn't know that God had died and left me in charge of what anyone can or can't say on their own dime even if they are SBO members.  If I am wrong in my thinking, I'd like to know. So, please, tell me what you think.

As for doing it on other sites, can anyone ever recall anything derogatory I have said at any time? Excepting for comments about film reviewers. I think you all know how I feel about them.  :butt:
« Last Edit: March 12, 2010, 08:24:01 PM by Sable899 »

Offline RnRPaintGrL

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Re: Is Sable a bad person
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2010, 08:29:14 PM »
Sable, hon I'm sorry this as come to you. I really can not think of any time where you said or posted anything that would be considered bad mouthing.
The soul reason I love this site is because we all have a different way of being snarky and sarcastic and sometimes I don't always understand whats being said and why, I never complain.
rule # 12 says it all, especailly the last bit.
12.  We are a discussion board, so feel free to discuss.  This is not the Shrine of Saint Sean and everyone is entitled to their opinions.  If you don't agree with someone who has a gripe about him, be courteous in your discussion so that it remains a discussion.  We do acknowledge the fact that Sean Bean has a private life, where he has the right to make his own choices.  However, his children are not celebs and are entitled to their own private lives until such time as they choose to no longer remain out of the public eye.  If your SOLE purpose for coming here is to bash or malign or generally be nasty about Sean or the members of this forum, including the lecturing of said members for expressing their opinions either for or against anyone for finding ironic humour in anything that is said or pointed out or made a joke of, feel free to leave NOW and don't let the door hit your butt on the way out.

Offline Sylvene

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Re: Is Sable a bad person
« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2010, 10:27:27 PM »
Oh, you are such a meany, Sable!  So horrid and not-nice. We hates you, we do!  Our un-precious.   :quiet:

Let me guess... I'm very good at guessing, you know...  this accusation came after your explanation about why you are not an advocate of downloading movies off the torrents and why you will not post screencaps of movies that are yet unreleased in the biggest English language movie market - the USA? 

Hmmm... could I be right?   :hum:  I wonder...

Offline lighty

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Re: Is Sable a bad person
« Reply #3 on: March 12, 2010, 11:08:48 PM »
Man - I've got to get out more.  Where are you being a snarky bitch, Sable?  I wanna play, too.

Is it time for the annual 'Attack of the Uber-Righteous' already?  Tell them that if they want to come and play with the grown-ups, they're welcome (we're a welcoming bunch, ain't we?) - but they'd best be prepared.  They haven't fared well in the past . . .

Offline Sable899

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Re: Is Sable a bad person
« Reply #4 on: March 12, 2010, 11:14:30 PM »
I'm starting to think that if I'm going to be accused of something no matter what, I may as well go ahead and do it.  Na, that would be reducing me to their level.  I'd rather not go there, thank you very much.

Offline moonflower

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Re: Is Sable a bad person
« Reply #5 on: March 12, 2010, 11:16:45 PM »
I don't belong to any other SB sites, but I have read a few forums on other sites in the past and I have seen some people posting there who are members here.  I have never seen anyone from here posting something derogatory on other sites.  And I have never seen anyone posting derogatory comments in the SBO forums about other websites either.

I know that it's been mentioned a few times here that we have more freedom of speech than some sites appear to have, but I certainly wouldn't consider that a derogatory statement.  


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Re: Is Sable a bad person
« Reply #6 on: March 13, 2010, 01:23:51 AM »
I think I do imagine how the wind blows. It's usually the same direction anyway. I don't suppose the accusers have the guts to say what they have to say here on public? No! Silly me! They just would expose themselves to ridicule.

My answer to the heaven of the infaniles and hypocriticals:  :fingers: And if you have to say something (useful): You are very  :welcome: !  Otherwise: Take a long walk off a short pier!

Offline patch

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Re: Is Sable a bad person
« Reply #7 on: March 13, 2010, 02:03:27 AM »
Oh, you are such a meany, Sable!  So horrid and not-nice. We hates you, we do!  Our un-precious.   :quiet:

Let me guess... I'm very good at guessing, you know...  this accusation came after your explanation about why you are not an advocate of downloading movies off the torrents and why you will not post screencaps of movies that are yet unreleased in the biggest English language movie market - the USA? 

Hmmm... could I be right?   :hum:  I wonder...

That was the first thing that came to my mind too.

Offline Sable899

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Re: Is Sable a bad person
« Reply #8 on: March 13, 2010, 02:42:11 AM »
I noes, I'm so mean.  I never let you do any of that fun stuff.

Offline beanyfan

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Re: Is Sable a bad person
« Reply #9 on: March 13, 2010, 02:54:17 AM »
It's a all been said already Sable. The reason many of us are here is because we do want to be able to say what we think and have a grown up discussion about it. Let's face it we've had some great heated discussions here and -surprise surprise- we've all remained friends and carried on as usual. That's real life.  
You have sole control of what is posted on SBO which is your baby and that's how it should be.     The last time I looked I was horribly grown up and old and so you have absolutely no control over what i say anywhere else on any other boards or forums. That's up to the moderators of those sites.
It's not a casae of 'SBO' corrupting   people who then go on to post on other threads, it's about SBO attracting free thinking people in the first place.
Forget your poll Sable, ir's irrelevant.

Just had another thought Sable -(that's my quota for a saturday) -have you pointed out to your accuser how rude it is to lurk around on the board reading posts and rules and criticising but not contributing in any other way??
« Last Edit: March 13, 2010, 03:06:54 AM by beanyfan »


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Re: Is Sable a bad person
« Reply #10 on: March 13, 2010, 03:40:24 AM »
So..If I understand it right...someone is accusing Sable, of something that makes perfect sence? I love it here, with all the discussions, sarcasm, "twisting", fun and care. I don't get it...I'm sorry, Sable, that there are people that are not as "grown up" as we are. To badmouthing you or us is just envy of a site that actual CAN handle the varieties of opinions without war breaking out.

I like it here, I like all of you.  :foryou:

Offline Blue Jay

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Re: Is Sable a bad person
« Reply #11 on: March 13, 2010, 10:23:05 AM »
I don't belong to any other SB sites, but I have read a few forums on other sites in the past and I have seen some people posting there who are members here.  I have never seen anyone from here posting something derogatory on other sites.  And I have never seen anyone posting derogatory comments in the SBO forums about other websites either.

I know that it's been mentioned a few times here that we have more freedom of speech than some sites appear to have, but I certainly wouldn't consider that a derogatory statement.  

Hear, hear ....

Offline Sylvene

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Re: Is Sable a bad person
« Reply #12 on: March 13, 2010, 10:57:21 AM »
Just had another thought Sable -(that's my quota for a saturday) -have you pointed out to your accuser how rude it is to lurk around on the board reading posts and rules and criticising but not contributing in any other way??

You are so right, Beanyfan.  In primary school, we used to call that tattling.


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Re: Is Sable a bad person
« Reply #13 on: March 13, 2010, 12:46:18 PM »
As some of you know, I came to SBO after a rather not nice exchange with the webmistress of another SB site.  This site was very open and welcoming, and I LOVE it!!!!  To say that Sable has done anything of what she has been accused just makes me furious!!  :arrrgh:  :viking:


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Re: Is Sable a bad person
« Reply #14 on: March 13, 2010, 12:56:02 PM »
sable, i refuse to delieve this came out from an SBO member. it's a really nice atmosphere here, and even i am not such an active member, because i lack of time since i began working again, i saw noting mean or denigrating here.


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Re: Is Sable a bad person
« Reply #15 on: March 15, 2010, 04:05:35 AM »
Sable if you are bad, what am I?????????


Keep it up gal!

Offline Annie

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Re: Is Sable a bad person
« Reply #16 on: March 16, 2010, 11:53:00 AM »
Somebody somewhere really has a problem.  I'm registered with a number of different sites (quite a lot of them sport orientated )and there are inevitably points in some discussions where the web master/miss has to step in if someone crosses the line.  It's their job - clear and simple.

Every site has rules and if you sign up to the site you're agreeing to those rules.  The main reasons I joined this site werr that

a) I liked what I saw on the forum and the general sense of humour of everyone posting, and

b) I liked the fact that the rules were clear and simple

If someone doesn;t like what they see - why are they looking ?   Sable - you're doing a fine job here.  Don't let soem irritating little so-and-so get to you.

Offline Sable899

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Re: Is Sable a bad person
« Reply #17 on: March 16, 2010, 12:15:36 PM »
Well, apparently, it all had to do with third person hearsay.  I must have pissed someone off pretty bad, or perhaps they didn't like how free SBO is about speech or they were simply a vindictive little harpy, whatever, but I've received an apology from the person who made the accusations and that suits me just fine.  Thank you all for your support.  I wuvs you guys.   :cupid

Offline RnRPaintGrL

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Re: Is Sable a bad person
« Reply #18 on: March 16, 2010, 12:18:45 PM »
well unfortunately there are plenty of those vindictive little harpies around who both enjoy making trouble and want to make all Bean fan forums like each other. We are slightly different and that bothers a LOT of people, so they have to continually try to get us at each others throats.
Ya know therapy might help but whoever this little bitch is is just too stupid to realize she needs it.

Offline galamb

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Re: Is Sable a bad person
« Reply #19 on: March 18, 2010, 10:57:45 AM »
I'm very happy to be here with all of you and you all helped a lot, nobody here is a bad person