Ooooookay...ladies...I've just spent an interesting hour sifting thru Live Journal entries for a Russian guy who seems to be a Zachary Quinto and Clive Owen fan. Emails back and forth have been interesting too cuz he's got virtually NO English and I have zero Russian. Anyway, I've got the photographer's proofs of those pics along with some Ca$h stills that I didn't know exist either. But, they are HUGE. I'll get them sized so that they will load in the gallery without choking it and post when I get the task finished.
Oh, sorry it took me so long to sift thru the links he gave me, but I stumbled on some LOOOOOVELY on set pics of Mads Mikelson as Rochefort in the Three Musketeers remake. I think I earned the right to drool for a few minutes.