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Imagine a scenario where Sean Bean appears on your telly & doesn't die.Well, now you don't have to... BREAKING NEWS: Sean Bean to appear on TV & not die!Set your box to record now! Hollywood tough guy Sean Bean is set to tell the story of one of history's most decisive battles on HISTORY this Sunday 14th June at 10pm!
Sean Bean simply cannon contain his excitement, can you?! Don't miss Sean Bean On Waterloo tomorrow at 10pm.
Sean Bean Cannon Contain His Excitement!Sean Bean simply cannon contain his excitement, can you?!
Sean Bean On Waterloo: Tonight At 10pm. For the 200th anniversary of the only battle to have a London train station named after it, we’ve enlisted the help of Sean Bean to find out what it was really like for the lads who fought there.. Don’t miss part 1 of Sean Bean On Waterloo, tonight at 10pm
Sean Bean On Waterloo - Season 1 Episode 1 | Full Episode
Couldn't have put it better ourselves, Sean...Tune in for pt. 2 of Sean Bean on Waterloo this Sunday at 10pm!
A modern day soldier Vs a battle of Waterloo soldier. Who'd come out on top?#SeanBean's on the case... Sean Bean on Waterloo concludes tomorrow night at 10pm!
Sean Bean tells the story of Waterloo, one of history's most decisive battles. Sean Bean on Waterloo, 7.30pm AEST.
How better to test the deadly light cavalry sabre than by charging at a pig whilst screaming on horseback? We thought so too...
Sean Bean On Waterloo Episode 1 screen version Bean On Waterloo Episode 2 screen version from both Episodes here
Actor Sean Bean tells the story of Waterloo, one of history’s most decisive battles. Available on demand now