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The Frankenstein Chronicles S01E03 - Season 1 Episode 3
Marlott takes a terrified Pritty on their trip to meet the men who kill for money – they find themselves in the tunnels under Smithfield market, which run from the Fortune of War pub to St Bart’s Hospital.Flora has returned to Marlott’s lodgings, but now she is back Marlott intends to use her as bait for the murderous gang, much against Nightingale’s wishes.
(Sky channel 123 & NOWTV) Catch up on all previous episodes on demand via Sky and NOWTV #TheFrankensteinChronicles
ITV DramaExclusive clip from the penultimate episode of The Frankenstein Chronicles, Tonight 10pm ITV Encore
Quote from: patch on December 09, 2015, 04:26:02 AMITV DramaExclusive clip from the penultimate episode of The Frankenstein Chronicles, Tonight 10pm ITV Encore like ITV changed their mind about sharing; I can't see it even when logged into Face Book.
Goodness, that looks like a mighty uncomfortable kiss ...
"The Frankenstein Chronicles" - ITV Encore VFX / Final Compositing - Screen Scene Dublin Role - Matte Painter Music - Abel KorzeniowskySample of 2D Matte Painting work i did for the Series in 2015.Final compositing and VFX by Screen Scene Iozzi Concept Art / Matte Painting / 3D Look Dev
Sean Bean "I Will Survive!" (The Frankenstein Chronicles)