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Author Topic: Sean Bean interview  (Read 23304 times)

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Re: Sean Bean interview
« Reply #40 on: August 23, 2021, 12:46:23 PM »
Sean Bean is alive and well and living in Somerset
British actor, famous for his on-screen deaths, plays a newly arrived inmate in the prison drama Time
No, Sean Bean does not die in the new British miniseries Time.

It’s an understandable concern, given that the English actor has developed a reputation for perishing onscreen, often in ways that are dramatic (The Lord of the Rings), gruesome (Game of Thrones) or both. But he takes the topic in his good-natured stride.

 “It’s the first thing that people say: Do you die in this?” he says with a chuckle. “It’s nice to be able to say: Wait and see. It’s not something that I’ve ever been that worried about. Certainly not early on in my career, because I was playing some really bad people, very bad guys, and they kind of deserved to die. They didn’t have much of a future ahead of them.”

He continues: “Now I’d prefer not to die because I think I’ve done it that many times and there’s got to be a really good reason if I’m going to die again. I prefer to stay alive. But I’ve never really complained about it. I’m very proud of my death scenes.”

In Time, Bean stars as Mark Cobden, a high school teacher sentenced to four years in prison. “I killed a man,” he tells a fellow inmate, though we soon learn it was drunk driving and not murder.

His costar is fellow northerner Stephen Graham, who plays prison officer Eric McNally. The two have a history on the screen, having played a transvestite (Bean) and his boyfriend (Graham) in a 2012 episode of Accused, written by British screenwriter Jimmy McGovern, who also wrote Time. And Bean also starred as a Catholic priest in McGovern’s 2017 TV drama Broken.

“He’s a great writer,” says Bean. “He’s very well respected over here in the U.K., and actors want to work with him because of his skill at creating brilliant dramas. He seems to get under the skin of the characters.”

That is certainly the case with Time, which presents realistic, three-dimensional figures. Bean’s character is initially out of his depth in prison, but soon learns ways to adapt, some of them unexpected. And Graham, far from the stereotype of the sadistic prison guard, is a tough but fair-minded fellow, forced into doing something illegal after some of the inmates threaten his son, who is doing time in a different jail.

Bean says he was sold on the strength of the script. “I read it and I was just amazed at how he managed to incorporate everything that is controversial and topical … something that was so moving and so tragic and yet hopeful. It had all those ingredients.”

The setting also had an appeal for the actor. “I’ve always been quite fascinated by that aspect of life and how things occur in prison,” he says. “We all like watching dramas or documentaries about prison because we know we’re not in there. There’s a kind of macabre fascination.”

He resolutely avoided doing too much research, the better to capture the sense of confusion and dislocation as his character first arrives in prison at the beginning of the first chapter of the three-part series.

“I wanted it to be a shock and a surprise, to kind of be genuinely bewildered and confused and scared,” he says. “To be faced with that kind of mayhem and madness, that is something that I wanted to be unaware of until I actually shot the scenes. That’s what it would be like, and that’s what I wanted an audience to feel.”

Bean is speaking from his home in Somerset, having just returned from Vancouver, where he’s been working on the third season of the post-apocalyptic series Snowpiercer – in which he doesn’t die, or at least not yet.

“I play a villain in that but he’s a very charming villain,” he says. “There’s something about him that people like. And that’s the other side of the coin, whereas Mark Cobdon, I guess he’s a little bit more like me. He’s a bit of an introvert, he’s quiet, he listens to things, he takes things in. I like to play characters that are quite innocent in some sense and not tending to know everything.”

He continues: “And not necessarily loads of dialogue, but something where you can see the person that you’re playing taking in their surroundings and the emotions from other people around them, and how that affects them. Sometimes it’s good to just soak things up and react without saying a word … which is not very common these days, not very often you get writers who actually write in pauses and time to reflect. And that’s what Jimmy McGovern does.”

My time almost up, I ask Bean about his most famous role (and death) in The Lord of the Rings, which celebrates its 20th anniversary this December. Surprisingly, he lights up at the mention of it.

“I think about it most days really,” he says. “It was just something that made such an impact on me. Almost a year of my life being over there [in New Zealand] with everyone and bringing this book that I’d read as a kid to life. I’d have never dreamed that I would be playing the character of Boromir!”

The magical nature of the subject matter, he says, seemed to spill over into the production. “It felt like we were in another world … and we could just imagine and try anything and be anything we wanted to be. Such fond memories. And it certainly helped all of us in our careers, but that wasn’t really the idea. It was just being able to work with someone like Peter Jackson and all these other brilliant actors.”

He singles out Christopher Lee, who was almost 80 at the time. Lee had starred in the movie Dracula in 1958, the year before Bean was born, and the younger actor still remembers watching it as a boy. “Being terrified by him!”

When Lee died in 2015 at the age of 93, he held an interesting record, since broken by American actor Danny Trejo. He had perished more times on-screen than any other performer, with more than 60 deaths, including one as Saruman in The Lord of the Rings.

Bean, with a mere 25 deaths, is a relative lightweight. But give him time.

Time is available now on the streaming service BritBox in Canada.

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Re: Sean Bean interview
« Reply #41 on: December 25, 2021, 02:26:33 AM »
Sean Bean on Time, makeup and his trans role: ‘If I did it today, there’d be an uproar’
In Time, the actor known as Game of Thrones’ Ned Stark had to show the terrors of prison … mostly by sitting in silence. He talks religion, looking rough – and the role he played that would not be made now

Mark Lawson
Sat 25 Dec 2021 08.00 GMT
Across three Sunday nights last summer, Sean Bean was remarkable. BBC One’s Time saw him play a teacher jailed for killing someone while drunk-driving. With Jimmy McGovern’s script often leaving him silent and alone in his cell, he painted an astonishingly affecting portrait of the regret and terror of a previously respected professional banged up with veteran criminals – and he frequently did so using expressions alone.

How is it to try to grab the audience entirely through looks? “As you get older, it’s sometimes a bit easier!” says Bean, 62, with a laugh. “When I started out, I used to count up how many lines I had and want some more. Now, it’s: ‘Oh, fuck, do I have to remember all that?’ So I don’t mind silence.”

Is it not technically harder to convey everything facially, though? “Yeah, it is,” says Bean. “But if the character is alone, it’s about trying to think what they are thinking. You can draw on situations in which you have felt alone, or sad, or nervous. That can be uncomfortable, but it gets you to the truth.”

As well as fewer lines to learn, Time also allowed Bean to reach the makeup trailer later. As a leading man, his time before shooting is usually spent trying to look as good as possible. Here, he needed to look rough.

“It’s not as if I didn’t have to do anything. I shaved each day but aimed to get the effect of someone using a cheap razor in a little cracked mirror in their cell,” he says. “You do have to wear some makeup or you look a different texture from everyone else. But I put on the bare minimum, nothing too flattering. You want to look like someone who’s exhausted and in shock. That wasn’t too difficult some mornings!”

Bean deliberately chose not to speak to any prisoners as part of his preparation for playing Mark Cobden – who is often the only person on his wing experiencing incarceration for the first time. “I wanted the locations – the cells, corridors, exercise yard – to be new and shocking to me, as they are to him. I wanted just to react to what was around me,” he says.

The drama intercuts the experiences of Cobden and Eric McNally, his supervising prison officer, played by Stephen Graham. Their scenes together are acting as grand slam final tennis, each participant judging whether to match the pace of the other player or change it. Watching Time called to mind theatrical experiments in which actors have swapped the main parts in a play on alternate nights – the king and Bolingbroke in Shakespeare’s Richard II, the brothers in Sam Shepard’s True West – and I fantasised about seeing the drama with Bean as the prison officer and Graham as the inmate. Was the casting ever up for discussion? “It was always me for Mark and him for Eric. But it would be really interesting. You should ask Jimmy about remaking it that way.”

Four years ago, in another McGovern drama, Broken, Bean played Father Michael Kerrigan, a Merseyside Catholic priest forced to double as a sort of social worker because of state and council cuts. Time and Broken are linked by Mark and Michael having been baptised into the same faith: Michael is a Catholic believer who struggles with doubts, while Mark has lost his faith but is tempted by a prison chaplain to lapse from atheism.

Bean, who grew up in a practising Catholic family in Sheffield but was deemed “too out there” as a child to be encouraged towards the priesthood (as McGovern was), says: “The church offers Mark a lifeline. Jimmy McGovern claims not to believe in religion, but Catholicism is a thread in his work. In Time and Broken, there’s a tension between what the characters say they believe or don’t believe and what they actually think.”

Where Father Michael is seen by society as a good guy and Mark Cobden as a bad man, the truth is far more complex. “They’re both very self-critical, and a mix of fallibilities and good qualities,” says Bean. “That ambiguity is what makes Jimmy’s characters so rich. And we’re all like that, aren’t we? We all like to think we have mostly good bits with a few bad bits – but others may think we have more downs than ups.”

Time was his third primetime BBC collaboration with McGovern. Before Broken, there was 2012’s Tracie’s Story, which gave Bean his boldest screen role. Known as an action actor – the titular 19th-century soldier in ITV’s Sharpe, Ned Stark in Game of Thrones – he played, in blond wig and false breasts, Tracie, the trans alter ego of an English teacher.

There are increasing calls for authentic casting, in which the identities of actor and character match. But for McGovern alone, Bean has played a priest, a prisoner and a transexual, none of which he has been. Would he defend pretence?

“I think so. I come from a generation that started in repertory theatre, playing a different role each week. The aim was to play as many parts as possible. Whereas there’s a tendency now to argue that characters can only be played by someone like them,” says Bean. “I think that is restrictive and counterproductive. We risk getting into a situation where drama is dictated more by which boxes are ticked than the story being told. I often think that, if I did Tracie’s Story today, there’d be an uproar. I have a feeling it would be questioned and wouldn’t even be made, but it’s one of the roles I’m proudest of. It seems such a shame if actors can’t play a range of parts.”

While in Time, Broken and Tracie’s Story, Bean was unable to draw on personal experience, the four-part BBC drama he is shooting with Nicola Walker – written and directed by Stefan Golaszewski, who made the BBC Two hit Mum – is called Marriage. Is it painful or useful that Bean is currently on his fifth?

“Well,” he laughs, “the show is about a longterm, 27-year marriage, which isn’t something I know about.” His lengthiest stretch of matrimony so far is seven years. “It’s about the small things that happen in a marriage, how you stay together. There are really few words in this. It’s all in the silences and pauses. So it’s another very different shift for me, which is what I like.”

« Last Edit: December 25, 2021, 02:37:05 AM by patch »

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Re: Sean Bean interview
« Reply #42 on: December 28, 2021, 12:48:52 PM »
'There are increasing calls for authentic casting, in which the identities of actor and character match. But for McGovern alone, Bean has played a priest, a prisoner and a transexual, none of which he has been. Would he defend pretence?

“I think so. I come from a generation that started in repertory theatre, playing a different role each week. The aim was to play as many parts as possible. Whereas there’s a tendency now to argue that characters can only be played by someone like them,” says Bean. “I think that is restrictive and counterproductive. We risk getting into a situation where drama is dictated more by which boxes are ticked than the story being told. I often think that, if I did Tracie’s Story today, there’d be an uproar. I have a feeling it would be questioned and wouldn’t even be made, but it’s one of the roles I’m proudest of. It seems such a shame if actors can’t play a range of parts.”'

I am kind of fed up with this woke line of thinking, and I think Sean Bean expresses his thoughts brilliantly here. Definitely too limiting for actors. Also, the whole point of acting is to convey characters, not yourself.

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Re: Sean Bean interview
« Reply #43 on: December 28, 2021, 02:36:09 PM »
Sean is so right.  If 'Wokeism' is allowed to triumph, where would actors be?  As a friend of mine so rightly commented, will it only be convicted murderers who are allowed to portray convicted murderers? I rest my case.

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Re: Sean Bean interview
« Reply #44 on: January 01, 2022, 12:48:19 AM »
Game of Thrones star Sean Bean on why he loves living in Somerset
The five times married star dubbed the second greatest Yorkshire man says he has found contentment at last
When fans saw Game of Thrones star Sean Bean near Wincanton it was hard to believe that the man once named the second greatest Yorkshireman that ever lived was moving to genteel Somerset.

Rumours started swirling after diners at The Wagtail pub spotted the Lord of the Rings star in the county amid reports he was looking at a property near the small village of Maperton, Wincanton.

 The rumours about him moving here turned out to be true and over the last six years, Bean has given several interviews in which he has revealed why he moved to Somerset and how he has finally found peace in the county.

And by the sounds of it, any fans hoping to bump into the five-times married, Sharpe actor might be better hanging around local garden centres than the Somerset celebrity set.

So why did Sean move from London?
According to the 62-year-old it was because he had been driven out of his home in Belsize Park that he once shared fourth wife Georgina Sutcliffe by neighbours “who objected to everything”.

They divorced in 2010 and Sean told The Times his neighbours “went to solicitors” about his pet chickens in the garden.

“I wanted to put a roof terrace up for wildlife: they got together, having wine parties talking about how they were going to stop me," he added.

“I thought ‘F*** me, I’ve had enough of all this."

Why not Hollywood?
Sean once lived in the Four Seasons hotel in Los Angeles when he was starring in films like National Treasure and Flightplan with Jodie Foster.

But he told an interviewer: “I don’t think I could ever put down roots there. It’s one thing living in a hotel and knowing you’re going to be going home and another thing settling.”

Why Somerset?
Bean is known as a man of few words and when not working he prefers solitary pursuits such as reading, listening to music, playing the piano, welding and sketching.

But the actor, who married fifth wife Ashley Moore in 2017, says his favourite pastime is gardening and he is out there "most days".

"We bought the house from a designer called Ken Bolan, and we fell in love with the way he’d created this kind of haven," he told one interviewer.

"I’ve made it a little bit wilder. "

When a Grade II listed mansion in Totteridge, north London where he lived with his third wife, Abigail Cruttenden, went on the market for Ł6 million, it became clear he didn't intend going back to the capital.

What is his Somerset garden like?
The word he uses most to describe it is "wild".

"When we moved to Somerset I left the garden alone for a year, so I saw what grew naturally and what didn’t, and I went with that," he told one interviewer.

" I planted trees, shrubs, plants and flowers that actually do well in my garden. I didn’t go with fancy stuff that you have to keep taking in and out and looking after.

"I just think, if it dies, it dies, it’s not supposed to be here; and if it survives, I’ll plant more of it."

Over lockdown he planted lots of trees and put in bird boxes and bat boxes.

"I take it quite slowly and then I reap the benefit year by year, which is a wonderful feeling," he once said.

Where did the love of gardening come from?
Growing up in Sheffield in the ’60s and ’70s he loved football and exploring derelict farms, scrapheaps and old bomb craters with friends.

Gradually he became interested in birdwatching and started roaming the pockets of greenery in the industrial, steel city.

"My granddad did a lot of vegetable and fruit gardening, and he was very regimented, but he got great produce," he once said.

"And there was my next-door neighbour, a guy called Ron Howard, who was our neighbour for about 40 or 50 years. I learnt a lot from both of them, and I gradually grew into gardening as well.

" I remember planting trees in Mum and Dad’s garden; it wasn’t very big, but I tried to get as much hawthorn and native trees and bushes as I could, and loads of nest boxes for the birds. That was how I got into gardening."

Why does he like it?
He likes it because he forgets about work and says it helps free his mind from everyday stress.

"I find I just focus on the moment," he told one interviewer.

" It’s a kind of mindful process: you know where you are, you know you’re in the present, but at the same time your mind is wandering and visualising and imaging colours and structures and shapes," he said.

" It’s precise, in the sense that you know exactly what you’re doing, but other ideas are also formulating – you’re planning for the future without really recognising that. It’s an interesting state of mind."

What does he wear?
His uniform is either overalls or a camouflage T-shirt he gets every year for Christmas from his wife and kids but always takes them off when not in the garden.

"I’m not going to go to the supermarket wearing camouflage and hiding behind bushes or anything like that!," he told the Financial Times.

"I’ve also got a few pairs of boxer shorts with nice little pictures of tools on them – hammers and chisels – so that puts me in the mood and I think, right, I’ve got work to do. Sounds a bit crazy, but it works for me. "

He is a big fan of Monty Don.
He watches Gardeners World every week and says he likes the way Monty Don goes with nature rather than fighting against ti.

"He has a wonderful way of looking at gardening," he explained in one interview.

"He is more of a naturalist in a sense and almost like a painter in the way he treats and visualises the world around him."

Does he still like Somerset?
He told one interviewer he was "fortunate to live in the county and added: "In Somerset I feel as if I’ve really found the place where I feel settled and content."

When asked about favourite place in the world he said: "If this is a heart thing, then it would probably be my home town, Sheffield.

"If it is somewhere now that I’ve chosen to be, it’s here in Somerset.."
What next?

He recently appeared in Tim, Jimmy McGovern's acclaimed three-part series Time so there are no plans to retire just yet.

The grandfather of four told an interviewer he loves what he does and enjoys the challenge of experimenting with new roles.

"But I value my time out of that also," he said.

" I really enjoy my time at home with my family, with my wife and with nature. "

« Last Edit: April 11, 2022, 03:35:01 AM by patch »

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Re: Sean Bean interview
« Reply #45 on: August 01, 2022, 06:03:47 AM »
We have been lucky enough to host an interview and photoshoot for the @thetimesmagazine with the wonderful @sean_bean_official
RISE hosts so many amazing people, and it was such a pleasure to add the super-relaxed and super-friendly Sean to that list!

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Re: Sean Bean interview
« Reply #46 on: August 06, 2022, 12:41:00 AM »
Sean Bean: ‘I’m a romantic… otherwise I wouldn’t have kept getting married’
The actor’s latest TV drama Marriage is all about a long-term relationship. He talks about what it’s like to play a husband of 27 years — when he’s been married five times in real life

Before he set off to meet me, Sean Bean was chatting to his gardener’s son. The boy, who mows the lawns of his two-acre Somerset manor, asked about Bean’s plans for the day, “and I said I was doing an interview about this TV thing called Marriage. He’s only 17, but he laughed. The cheeky get.”

That even a teenager is amused by the irony at least prepared Bean for my inevitable questions. This slow-burning, naturalistic drama charts four weeks in the 27-year marriage of Ian and Emma: how their love endures despite domestic irritations and long-buried tragedy. Did Bean reflect on how it might feel to have remained with one wife rather than to have married, well, five? Bean chuckles ruefully. “I knew

Sean Bean says intimacy coordinators ‘ruin’ process of filming sex scenes: ‘It would spoil the spontaneity’
Actor said he would feel ‘inhibited’ by presence of intimacy coordinator
Sean Bean has suggested that intimacy coordinators “spoil the spontaneity” of sex scenes.

The Time actor has filmed many intimate scenes throughout his career, most famously opposite Joely Richardson in a 1993 adaptation of DH Lawrence’s raunchy novel Lady Chatterley’s Lover.

In a new interview, Bean discussed the impact intimacy coordinators – specialists who work on film and TV sets to choreograph and allow actors to feel comfortable while filming sex scenes – would have had on the show.

“I should imagine it slows down the thrust of it. Ha, not the thrust, that’s the wrong word,” he told The Times, adding: “It would spoil the spontaneity.

“It would inhibit me more because it’s drawing attention to things. Somebody saying, ‘Do this, put your hand there, while you touch his thing…’ I think the natural way lovers behave would be ruined by someone bringing it right down to a technical exercise.”

He continued: “Lady Chatterley was spontaneous. It was joy. We had a good chemistry between us, and we knew what we were doing was unusual. Because she was married, I was married. But we were following the story. We were trying to portray the truth of what DH Lawrence wrote.”

The intimacy coordinator became a standard figure on mainstream film sets in the wake of #MeToo in order to protect female actors.

Acknowledging this, Bean said: “I suppose it depends on the actress.”

Discussing a never-aired scene from the Netflix series Snowpiercer in which he was naked with a female actor, he added: “This one had a musical cabaret background, so she was up for anything.”

‘Games of Thrones’ Star Sean Bean Says Intimacy Coordinators ‘Spoil the Spontaneity,’ Decries Censorship
“Game of Thrones” actor Sean Bean says intimacy coordinators “spoil the spontaneity” of shooting a sex scene.

“It would inhibit me more because it’s drawing attention to things,” Bean, who played Ned Stark in the hit fantasy show, said of having an intimacy coordinator in the room. “Somebody saying, ‘Do this, put your hands there, while you touch his thing…”

“I think the natural way lovers behave would be ruined by someone bringing it right down to a technical exercise,” he added, comparing his experience to the raunchy 1993 adaptation of “Lady Chatterly’s Lover,” in which he starred opposite Joely Richardson.

“‘Lady Chatterly’ was spontaneous,” Bean said in his interview with the U.K.’s Times Magazine. “It was a joy. We had a good chemistry between us, and we knew what we were doing was unusual. Because she was married, I was married. But we were following the story. We were trying to portray the truth of what DH Lawrence wrote.”

 Bean also decried the censorship of his work at the behest of TV companies or advertisers, citing the “Snowpiercer” TV series, in which he currently stars, where he filmed a scene naked alongside Lena Hall. In the bizarre Season 2 scene the duo become intimate with the aid of a mango (as in the fruit). But Bean said “I think they cut a bit out actually. Often the best work you do, where you’re trying to push the boundaries, and the very nature of it is experimental, gets censored when TV companies or the advertisers say it’s so much. It’s a nice scene, quite surreal, dream-like and abstract. And mango-esque.”
When the interviewer pointed out that intimacy coordinators can help to protect actors in the wake of #MeToo, Bean responded: “I suppose it depends on the actress. This one [referring to Hall] had a musical cabaret background, so she was up for anything.”

In the interview, Bean, who played Boromir in Peter Jackson’s The Lord of the Rings franchise, also turned his eye to fan conventions, describing one (unnamed) LOTR convention as “just a cattle market” when he attended as a guest.

“I didn’t like how the organizers treated the fans,” he said, explaining that when he tried to write messages in addition to signing autographs he was cut off by the staff. “They’d say, ‘No, no, just a signature. He needs to pay more for you writing a message.’ And these fans are good-natured, positive people who were getting tossed around and overcharged for things.”

Bean said he would not attend future fan conventions.

British actor Sean Bean, 63, says 'intimacy coaches' are ruining sex scenes in Hollywood

Sean Bean says he doesn’t regret getting married five times: ‘I’d live it all again’
‘I suppose there is that romantic in me, otherwise I wouldn’t keep doing it,’ actor says
Sean Bean has said he doesn’t regret any of his failed marriages and that he would “live it all again” as he reflects on being a “romantic”.

Bean – who has been divorced four times – married his current wife Ashley Moore in 2017.

Ahead of the premiere of Marriage, a new BBC drama which follows the ups and downs of longtime married couple Ian (Bean) and Emma (Nicole Walker), Bean told The Times he truly believed each of his marriages would last “forever”.

“I’ve obviously experienced more marriages than most people,” he said, adding that his failed relationships didn’t sway him from trying to find love.

“I suppose there is that romantic in me, otherwise I wouldn’t keep doing it,” he added. “But I don’t regret anything. I’d live it all again.”

Bean first got married in 1981, to his secondary school sweetheart Debra James. The couple divorced in 1988.

He later married fellow actor Melanie Hill in 1990. The couple had two children together, daughters Molly, 30 and Lorna, 34. Bean and Hill split in 1997.

Bean married Abigail Cruttenden in 1997. They divorced in 2000, two years after welcoming their daughter Evie, 23.

The Sharpe actor began dating Georgina Sutcliffe in 2006 and the pair later married in 2008. They divorced in 2010.

 Opening up about his numerous attempts to find love, Bean credited his traditional upbringing and his parents’ long marriage.

“It’s not as though I’ve been gallivanting around,” he said.

“I suppose I could have seen how things developed, got to know them better before taking the plunge. But I didn’t because I felt strongly about all these women, otherwise I wouldn’t have married them.”

When asked whether he thought each marriage would last “forever,” Bean said: “Yes! Of course I did. It’s not something you take on lightly, is it? It’s not flippant or trivial. It’s a huge commitment.”

Marriage begins on 14 August at 9pm on BBC One.

Sean Bean weighs in on state of masculinity
Sean Bean has claimed "a lot of men these days are made to feel like apologists for their sexuality and their masculinity" as he discussed his latest acting project.

The 63-year-old British actor has starred in The Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones and recently won a BAFTA for his role in BBC One drama Time.

Ahead of the start of his latest project, BBC drama Marriage, Bean spoke to The Times newspaper in London about how he feels views on men have changed in the post-#MeToo movement world.

When asked if he believes it is harder to be a man now, he said: "Yes, I suppose it is, really."

Bean added: "Certain aspects of a man's character are frowned upon now as being discriminatory or boorish.

"But I think you've got to be careful we do not lose sight of what a man is.

"Look at the old heroes in mythology, history - there's a great respect for a man's adventures and his strengths.

"A lot of men these days are made to feel like apologists for their sexuality and their masculinity.

"And I think that's something that men have to retain and celebrate as much as women celebrate their femininity."

« Last Edit: August 08, 2022, 11:32:20 AM by patch »

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Re: Sean Bean interview
« Reply #47 on: August 09, 2022, 01:56:11 AM »
Sean Bean called out by female stars following his sex scene remarks
Rachel Zegler, star of Steven Spielberg’s ‘West Side Story’, urged ‘Game of Thrones’ star to ‘wake up’
Sean Bean is getting criticised for his comments on intimacy co-ordinators used for sex scenes in films and TV shows.

The actor, whose credits include Sharpe, Troy and Game of Thrones, was asked about these specialists, who became a standard figure on sets in the wake of #MeToo for the protection of female actors.

“I should imagine it slows down the thrust of it. Ha, not the thrust, that’s the wrong word,” he told The Times on Saturday (7 August).

The Earth has been mysteriously slowing down for 50 years - now scientists think they know why
“It would inhibit me more because it’s drawing attention to things. Somebody saying, ‘Do this, put your hand there, while you touch his thing…’ I think the natural way lovers behave would be ruined by someone bringing it right down to a technical exercise.”

He also said of his Snowpiercer co-star Lena Hall, with whom he filmed an unaired sex scene: “This one had a musical cabaret background, so she was up for anything.”

Hall has now replied to the comment, writing on Twitter on Monday (9 August): “I probably need to clarify some information in this random article since people are reaching out to me like ‘girl, are you ok?’”

“Just because I am in theatre (not cabaret, but I do perform them every once in a while) does not mean that I am up for anything,” she continued, calling Bean “an awesome actor” who “made me feel not only comfortable but also like I had a true acting partner in those bizarre scenes”.

Hall stressed the importance of intimacy co-ordinators, calling them “a welcome addition to the set”.

West Side Story star Rachel Zegler who filmed love scenes with 25-year-old Ansel Elgort when she was just 17, replied to Bean’s comments, also.

She wrote: “Intimacy coordinators establish an environment of safety for actors. I was extremely grateful for the one we had on WSS – they showed grace to a newcomer like myself + educated those around me who’ve had years of experience.”

She urged Bean to “wake up”, stating: “Spontaneity in intimate scenes can be unsafe.”

Meanwhile, Jameela Jamil, referencing Bean’s complaint that intimacy co-orindators could reduce sex scenes to “technical exercises”, wrote: “It should only be technical. It’s like a stunt. Our job as actors is to make it not look technical. Nobody wants an impromptu grope…”

Sean Bean’s ‘Snowpiercer’ Co-Star Lena Hall Responds to Intimacy Coordinator Comments
In response to Variety’s article covering Bean’s comments, Hall posted an eight-part Twitter thread in which she said: “Just because I am in theater (not cabaret, but I do perform them every once in a while) does not mean that I am up for anything. Seriously does depend on the other actor, the scene we are about to do, the director, and whatever crew has to be in there to film it.”

She also defended Bean, saying he is “an awesome actor and made me feel not only comfortable but also like I had a true acting partner in those bizarre scenes. It was us against the world and we were gonna tell that story.”

“If I feel comfortable with my scene partner and with others in the room then I won’t need an intimacy coordinator,” Hall continued. “BUT if there is any part of me that is feeling weird, gross, over exposed etc… I will either challenge the necessity of the scene or I’ll want an IC [intimacy coordinator].”

1. The infamous mango scene wasn't a naked scene. I was "naked" (but not really naked) in the bathtub/suicide scene (which I guess is in that same moment) but Sean Bean was in the bathtub fully clothed in a tuxedo.
........3. Sean is an awesome actor and made me feel not only comfortable but also like I had a true acting partner in those bizarre scenes. It was us against the world and we were gonna tell that story.

Sean Bean's remarks on intimacy coordinators miss the point entirely

Oh, Sean. As Tyra Banks once said to Tiffany in cycle four of America's Next Top Model, we were all rooting for you. He's always gently encouraging us to "believe in better", his enthusiasm for Yorkshire Tea warms the cockles of our hearts, and there's the acting. Let's not forget that. Broken! Game of Thrones! Time! Lord of the Rings! He's given us so much, with plenty more still to come.

But the affection that myself and so many others have for Bean is rooted in personas, and not the man, because we don't really know the man at all. However occasionally, we gain some insight into what the people we blindly ascribe so many positive attributes to think and feel about certain things, and the truth can leave you feeling deflated.

In a recent interview with The Times, Bean was candid about his thoughts on intimacy coordinators, a now common but relatively recent introduction on film and TV productions.

"I should imagine it slows down the thrust of it,” he said of how actors on sets decades ago might have reacted to the mapping out of a sex scene with a qualified professional, rather than the off-the-cuff approach that was not just widespread practice, but the only practice.

Bean added: "Ha, not the thrust, that's the wrong word. It would spoil the spontaneity. It would inhibit me more because it's drawing attention to things. Somebody saying, 'Do this, put your hand there, while you touch his thing…' I think the natural way lovers behave would be ruined by someone bringing it right down to a technical exercise."

Bean's comments, while disappointing, are not unsurprising. He has operated within certain parameters for the vast majority of his long and illustrious career. To change those parameters does, of course, seem a shame (if it ain't broke...), or the death of the 'good old days' that were not, as we know, so good for scores of women.

But new measures, such as intimacy coordinators, are not for the benefit of Bean. Sure, men can gain invaluable insight from their input as they really consider how their female counterpart is feeling in a given moment. It's an opportunity to reevaluate entrenched behaviours that harm women. But first and foremost, the practice was introduced to protect women given that they are the ones who have been and continue to be subjected to the lion’s share of abuse and exploitation.

Losing that "spontaneity" Bean values so highly is a small price to pay for women feeling safe doing the work that they love, and that painfully obvious truth should have stopped him dead in his tracks before pressing ahead and laying it on the table.

It also suggests that Bean hasn't worked under the guidance of an intimacy coordinator, or spent time in the company of the most accomplished of the bunch. I've spoken to multiple actors who have praised those facilitators for making their jobs significantly easier, and even making their approach to sex scenes more intuitive.

I'm certain that Bean would say he's sympathetic to the concerns of women (who wouldn't be given the horrors and indignities that come with the territory?!), but the cognitive dissonance on display in that interview communicates the inverse. Bean and his male peers will naturally have had their various respective challenges to weather over the course of their lives and careers, but they will never understand the alienating feeling of being on the back foot for the simple fact of being a woman.

Had that safety net been put in place aeons ago, countless female performers could have been protected from predatory behaviour, and in turn the industry transformed. For Bean to lament the absence of impulse behind-the-scenes in the capturing of those intimate moments is to ignore the bigger picture.

« Last Edit: August 09, 2022, 01:16:57 PM by patch »

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Re: Sean Bean interview
« Reply #48 on: August 09, 2022, 10:04:08 PM »
Oh for goodness' sake.
Cannot say anything public these days without crazy amounts of scrutiny.
Wasn't he under scrutiny for his comments regarding straight actors should be able to play gay roles (and vice versa)?
Like come on. We are all human. We all have different experiences and preferences. Bean isn't wrong here. But neither are people who are more comfortable with 'intimacy coordinators'.
Lets just accept that we all have different views and move on, not examine every little comment under a microscope.

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Re: Sean Bean interview
« Reply #49 on: August 10, 2022, 05:50:25 AM »
Sean Bean, 63, is told to 'wake up' as he is criticised by West Side Story's Rachel Zegler and Jameela Jamil after saying intimacy coaches 'ruin' Hollywood sex scenes
Sean Bean has come under fire for saying intimacy co-ordinators 'ruin' Hollywood sex scenes by spoiling the spontaneity and reducing it to 'a technical exercise'.

The Game of Thrones star, 63, was criticised by British actress Jameela Jamil and West Side Story's Rachel Zegler, from New Jersey, after making the comments in a recent interview with The Times.

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Re: Sean Bean interview
« Reply #50 on: August 10, 2022, 09:00:27 AM »
Agree with you 100% SMcFirefly.  I think some of Sean's comments were "tongue in cheek", but a sense of humour is not allowed these days.

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Re: Sean Bean interview
« Reply #51 on: August 11, 2022, 05:01:26 AM »
Game of Thrones star Sean Bean’s views on sex scenes might be rational, but they’ve stirred up controversy
Did nobody give Game of Thrones star Sean Bean a heads-up to keep his views on sex scenes to himself? He’s a white man in his 60s, and even if what he blurts out is innocuous, there’s a high chance he will be vilified – which is exactly what happened this week.

In a recent interview with The Sunday Times, he should have just stuck to discussing gardening and his latest BBC TV series about a couple reflecting on their 27-year marriage. Instead, he spoke honestly and unreservedly –rare enough today – about shooting sex scenes, his five marriages and how it’s harder to be a man today.

Dame Emma Thompson defends intimacy co-coordinators after Sean Bean remarks
Dame Emma Thompson has defended the use of intimacy co-ordinators on film and TV sets after Sean Bean said they "spoil the spontaneity" of sex scenes.
A string of actresses, also including West Side Story's Rachel Zegler, have criticised Bean's comments.
The use of intimacy co-ordinators, who choreograph intimate scenes, has become widespread in recent years.

Emma Thompson has defended the role of intimacy coordinators on set in a new interview.
Responding, Thompson defended the profession and appeared either to mishear the host or not know who Sean Bean was.
“So I don’t know who the actor was but maybe he had an intimacy coordinator accidentally at home,” she added.

Explaining the Sean Bean Intimacy Coordinator Scandal
Actor Sean Bean is regarded by many as one of Britain’s most talented actors. He is best known for his roles in The Lord of the Rings trilogy, Game of Thrones, The Martian, BBC’s Time, and most recently, Marriage. The BAFTA winner, however, has found himself in trouble as a result of his most recent interview with The Times. Discover all there is to know about the current controversy in the sections below.

« Last Edit: August 11, 2022, 08:24:18 AM by patch »

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Re: Sean Bean interview
« Reply #52 on: August 14, 2022, 01:46:35 AM »
Sean Bean: ‘I used to read scripts from the end to see if I was still in them’

The actor, who is about to star opposite Nicola Walker in new BBC drama Marriage, talks about chemistry, crying and being killed off
Sean Bean used to be known as an action hero – a gritty Hollywood hard man who usually died before the credits rolled. Yet the past decade has seen him become one of our most reliably excellent dramatic actors: a tender, terrific performer with multiple awards to show for it.

Now 63, he trained as a welder in his home city of Sheffield before discovering acting, winning a scholarship to Rada in London and becoming a member of the RSC in 1986. He found mainstream fame in the 90s as the swashbuckling hero of ITV’s period action romp Sharpe. His film roles have included a terrorist in Patriot Games, a James Bond villain in GoldenEye and Boromir in the Lord of the Rings trilogy. On TV he has starred as Mellors in the BBC’s 1993 adaptation of Lady Chatterley’s Lover, Mr Wilford in current dystopian drama Snowpiercer and Ned Stark in Game of Thrones.

 Bean won an International Emmy in 2013 for his performance as a crossing-dressing teacher in Jimmy McGovern’s Accused, followed by a Bafta in 2018 for his role as a troubled Catholic priest in McGovern’s Broken. His next collaboration with the writer was in the 2021 prison drama Time, which won Bean his second Bafta for best leading actor.

He now stars alongside Nicola Walker in writer-director Stefan Golaszewski’s new BBC drama Marriage, about a middle-aged couple who have been together for 27 years. It’s all a long way from Napoleonic derring-do and Bond villainy, and also somewhat ironic given that Bean has been wed five times. He moved to Somerset with his fifth wife, Ashley Moore, in 2017, and recently said: “I’m a romantic, otherwise I wouldn’t have kept getting married. I don’t regret anything. I’d live it all again.”

Were you a fan of Stefan Golaszewski’s previous series, Mum?
I watched all of Mum and it was extraordinary. Bold, uncompromising, provocative in its own way. I just thought: “Here’s a man who writes exactly how he feels and translates that on to the screen.” There’s no dilution of his original idea. Stefan’s work has pathos. He picks up on all people’s little foibles. Those vulnerabilities and insecurities that we all feel but rarely express. I was listening to the Velvet Underground yesterday and the lyrics somehow reminded me of his scripts. It’s this dark reality, which sometimes seems quite cruel and sad, but with sly humour. Stefan should call himself “the Lou Reed of screenwriting”(laughs).

Was the chance to act opposite Nicola Walker a factor?
I was bowled over by her performance in [ITV crime drama] Unforgotten. She has a very natural approach to performance and we complemented each other. Sometimes you just have chemistry with someone. That’s what I had with Nicola.

You play suburban married couple Ian and Emma. Tell us about their relationship?
On the surface, often not a great deal seems to be happening, but underneath there’s a lot going on. Through Stefan’s economy with words, you realise they’re often saying the opposite of what they truly feel. There’s a wealth of emotion to be mined from everyday interactions.

It feels like theatre, or a Mike Leigh film…
It’s very much in that vein. Stefan said the other day how it’s hard to be a human being. To come downstairs every morning and have to speak to people. Cats and dogs don’t need to do that. They just sit there (laughs).

The opening scene is set on a plane, which seems cruel. Don’t you have a fear of flying?
It was OK because I knew it wasn’t a real plane. I did fear flying for a long time. I’d grip the armrest, almost in tears. I used to have to have a lot to drink before I even got on the plane, then a lot to drink on it. By the time I got off, it was shocking. But suddenly, around 9/11, there was all this talk of possible attacks on planes and long-range missiles from terrorists. I thought: “Why am I worrying about engine failure if there’s all this going off?” And somehow I got over it. I still can’t stand turbulence but I’m much better now, thank God.

There’s a devastating crying scene in episode one of Marriage. How did you channel that emotion?
To express it truthfully you can’t wing it. You’ve got to think about something upsetting in your life that fixes the feeling in your head. That means going back to unpleasant memories but there’s no other way. You often don’t need to do sob or wail, because when people cry, they usually try and hide it. Facial expressions are incredibly articulate when you’re trying to hide powerful emotions. We’ve all seen that on the news or documentaries, when people are reliving tragedy. The only way to replicate that is to think it and live it.

Were you delighted by the reaction to Time last year?
Very happy. It was four years in the making from Jimmy McGovern’s initial idea, so a lot of work went into it. The subject matter interested me. A lot of us, especially men, think about being sent to prison and wonder how we’d cope.

Do you think it was an accurate depiction of prison life?
Prisoners and prison officers have said how realistic it is. It even started conversations about the prison system – the shortage of staff, how people are left to stagnate, how we should make more effort to rehabilitate them. Certain people are dismissive of prisoners but they need our support, both while they’re inside and after they come out. It was good to stir up controversy and raise those points.

You first worked with Stephen Graham a decade ago on Tracie’s Story, an award-winning episode of Jimmy McGovern’s series Accused. How was being reunited with him on Time?
We’ve formed a great working relationship, us two and Jimmy. I’d always admired Stephen. He’s bang on in every role, especially This Is England: chameleon-like. So I jumped at the chance to work with him but never imagined it would be as lovers (laughs). But we got stuck in and had a brilliant time. The final scene was me watching him get taken off to prison, while I went free. And then at the end of Time, Stephen’s character got sent down, while I was getting out. I said to him: “Fucking hell, Stevie, this feels familiar, doesn’t it?”

Which role do you get recognised most for nowadays?
It used to be Sharpe, then it was Game of Thrones and The Lord of the Rings. But now I get Time too. It was so widely seen and people tend to remember it.

Is it true that you don’t like being killed off? There’s a compilation of your death scenes on YouTube…
I’ve seen that. Is it called a Death Reel? I’m not too bothered. If it’s a good part, it’s worth dying for. With scripts, I used to read from the end to see if I was still in them. I’d go: “Oh no, I only last until page 34.” When you’re starting out, you’re much more dispensable. Now they might keep me alive and get their money’s worth (laughs).

Game of Thrones was a shocker, wasn’t it?
When I first met the Game of Thrones writers, they told me: “You die but you’re in it for nearly the full season.” But he was a great character and it was a good death, so I didn’t mind. Boromir’s [in The Lord of the Rings] was probably the best death I’ve ever done. It was just so heroic and tragic. I did get a reputation for dying on screen but I’d prefer to stay alive now, if you don’t mind.

There’s also a YouTube compilation of you saying “bastard” in Sharpe…
That’s quite funny, I didn’t realise how many times I said that. Maybe it would be a good thing to show drama students: here’s how to say the word “bastard”, as demonstrated by a specialist.

You started out in theatre, but it’s been a while. Would you like to do more stage work?
Possibly, if it’s a project I felt passionately about – and if it’s not for too long. You get these six-month runs sometimes and it’s a wonderful experience, but it does become repetitive. I don’t like being formulaic. I enjoy changing it up with different media, different genres, unique avant garde directors. I’d certainly describe Stefan as such, and Marriage as an unusual piece.

Is it strange to be 63 and still a sex symbol?
Am I? That’s news to me but I’ll take it as a compliment and say it feels great (laughs).

You live in Somerset now. What took you there?
It was just by chance. I moved down to London for drama school and ended up staying for 35 years. But my friends were slowly drifting away and I began to realise London wasn’t the nucleus of everything. And then my wife and I just saw this wonderful, curious house, which made our minds up. It’s set in two acres of lovely land with wild gardens. It’s not a big house but it’s quirky and interesting.

And you’ve become a keen gardener?
I was out this morning, actually. I find it very relaxing and comforting. There’s a lot to look after. I’ve made it wildlife-friendly because I love to attract birds and butterflies, insects and animals. We’ve got a pond with swallows flying over it. There are stoats, weasels and bats. We’ve planted trees, shrubs and meadows. It keeps me busy, although I do get a bit of help. Jeremy, my gardener, does all the spadework. I just put things in position. He digs the holes.

You’re a big music fan. What have you been listening to recently?
Mainly old stuff. I love the Velvet Underground, as you’ve probably guessed. The Beatles, Stones, Bowie, Iggy. I put on Brian Eno’s [1978 ambient album] Music for Airports in the background quite a lot.

If you had your time again, would you still be an actor?
I would. But it’s not ended yet (laughs). I’ve had wonderful experiences and travelled the world. It never really crosses my mind to do anything else, but I’d have loved to be an artist. I try and draw or paint. I get all the pens and pastels together, then just end up doodling on a bit of scrap. I love using my hands and my imagination, being productive and making things. I suppose acting combines all those elements. That’s what makes it so rewarding.

What’s next?
An opera of a religious nature called The Witches Seed. My friend Jonathan Moore has written the libretto and I’m voicing a character. Gabriel Byrne, Chrissie Hynde and Stewart Copeland are involved, so it should be interesting. Otherwise, I’m enjoying some time at home. Taking a breather, recharging my batteries and pursuing my other interests. There’s more to life than acting, isn’t there?

Marriage starts on Sunday 14 August on BBC One, 9pm/BBC iPlayer

The Witches Seed

« Last Edit: August 14, 2022, 01:57:33 AM by patch »

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Re: Sean Bean interview
« Reply #53 on: April 27, 2023, 01:40:45 PM »
Knights of The Zodiac's Sean Bean Talks Playing A Father Figure and Greek Mythology
Sean Bean spoke with Game Rant about his Knights of the Zodiac character Alman Kido and the lasting appeal of Greek mythology.

Anime and manga fans have been treated to plenty of their favorite titles being adapted into live-action, with even more projects on the way. The most recent of these is Knights of the Zodiac, Sony's upcoming movie adapted from the popular manga and anime Saint Seiya, which promises not only some impressive action and deep storytelling, but also impressive star power, with a cast that includes Famke Jannsen, Nick Stahl, Mark Dacascos, Madison Iseman, Mackenyu, and Sean Bean.

Directed by Tomek Bagiński, who counts Netflix's The Witcher and its spinoffs The Witcher: Nightmare and the Wolf and The Witcher: Blood Origin among his credits, Knights of the Zodiac tells the story of Seiya (played by Mackenyu), who rises from fighting for money to battling for the fate of the world and to protecting Sienna (played by Madison Iseman), who is actually the reincarnation of the Greek goddess Athena. Along the way, Seiya embraces his own destiny and learns to harness magical powers with the help of Alman Kido (Sean Bean). Knights of the Zodiac finds its basis in Greek mythology, and it uses those ancient tales to propel its action-packed story.

Speaking with Game Rant, Sean Bean provided deeper details on his character, and the qualities he found within him. Elaborating on his acting process, Bean said, "It's a question of finding that knowledge, maturity, intellect. It's like looking back on one's own life. You look on when you were younger, you realize you hopefully learned a bit more over the years." The actor added that Alman Kido is "a very educated man, very successful businessman and a billionaire who is retired and follows his true passion which is ancient history and folklore and Greek mythology." Bean also notes the conflict that Kido finds himself in, and how his task of protecting Sienna weighs on him, saying:
He's quite laid back, but he has a heavy weight on his shoulders in terms of his responsibility to Sienna and trying to find someone who can provide her with the energy and support she needs in terms of the cosmos and the cosmic energy she needs every day. As you said he's a father figure and a mentor, but he's aware that he's in a very dangerous situation. It's quite perilous the journey that he's taking in order to keep Siena on the right track which would lead to transformation into the goddess Athena. So he's well aware of the consequences but he's quite steady and a level-headed man.

Incidentally, Bean is no stranger to Greek mythology, having played Odysseus in the 2005 film Troy. Beyond that, though, the actor said that he has always been interested in Greek mythology, and highlighted how many of the stories passed down for centuries are "surreal" and "bizarre." "Experiences like Zeus having children from his forehead and things like that, or how Hera, I believe, puts a stone in his belly and he thinks he's having another one or something (laughs)."

In regards to Knights of the Zodiac, Bean said it was the inclusion of Greek mythology that drew him to the project, but it was how the story remixed that folklore that he found most interesting. "When that was combined with the Japanese culture, the manga, the anime, I thought it was a really interesting mixture. It took me a little bit long to get my head around it, but I think it's fascinating that they're able to draw the two cultures together and create such a thought-provoking and exciting piece of work."

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Re: Sean Bean interview
« Reply #54 on: May 02, 2023, 10:53:51 AM »
Sean Bean Recalls His First Onscreen Death & His Infamous Trend Of Dying
Exclusive: Sean Bean recalls his first onscreen death in the historical drama Caravaggio and his infamous trend of dying in movies and TV shows.
After over 30 years of meeting his maker, Sean Bean is looking back on his first onscreen death in the historical drama Caravaggio and his infamous trend of dying. Though having found larger success with the British war drama series Sharpe, Bean made his acting debut with the British procedural series The Bill and Caravaggio. The English actor has since become a household name thanks to his roles in Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings trilogy, Pierce Brosnan's first James Bond movie GoldenEye and HBO's Game of Thrones, all of which shared one unique element for the actor.

While speaking exclusively with Screen Rant to discuss the live-action manga adaptation Knights of the Zodiac, Sean Bean looked back on his infamous trend of dying on screen in movies and TV shows. In addition to reiterating his appreciation for his Lord of the Rings demise, Bean recalled his very first onscreen death in the historical drama Caravaggio and how it would kick off the rest. See what Bean said below:

Lord of the Rings was a good one. My first death was a film called Caravaggio, which is about the artist Caravaggio, by Derek Jarmain, he’s a wonderful guy, great director. That was my first death, I got my throat slit, which is okay, it’s your first day, so you’re thinking, “Oh great.” [Laughs] But then it goes on, and on, and on. I suppose the best death was Boromir in Lord of the Rings, that was a very epic kind of death, it was very emotional, very moving, and Peter Jackson allowed me enough time to die and milk it, and get the music and pathos. I like that one.

Since his death in Caravaggio, Bean has become something of a running joke among audiences for whether his appearance in a film regarding life or death stakes will see him survive the events of the story. In the near 40 years following the historical drama, the English actor has died 23 times on both the big and small screen in a variety of projects, ranging from simple gunshots to more outrageous means of demise.

The '90s in particular proved to be one of the more fatal for Bean onscreen beginning with the Western drama Lorna Doone, where he accidentally drowns himself, followed by the Oscar-nominated Irish drama The Field, in which his emotionally stunted character is pushed off a cliff by a herd of cattle. After a handful of more grounded deaths in Clarissa, Patriot Games and Scarlett, he would see a more grand demise in 1995's GoldenEye, in which his James Bond villain is dropped from an antenna and has a satellite subsequently dropped on him.

#KnightsOfTheZodiac star Sean Bean reflects on his legacy of onscreen deaths, including his very first one in 1986's Caravaggio and his best demise as Boromir in #LordOfTheRings:

#KnightsoftheZodiac star #SeanBean offers a hopeful response to the idea of returning as Ned Stark in the future of the #GameOfThrones franchise:

Sean Bean Interview: Knights Of The Zodiac

« Last Edit: May 08, 2023, 12:53:55 PM by patch »

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Re: Sean Bean interview
« Reply #55 on: May 08, 2023, 01:24:08 PM »
Sean Bean Interview: Knights Of The Zodiac
Knights of the Zodiac is the 2023 live-action adaptation of the Saint Seiya manga filled with over-the-top action, vibrant special effects, and a talented cast to bring it all to life. Sony Pictures teams up with the anime powerhouse Toei to bring the story of Seiya and the Goddess Athena's Cosmo-Powered Knights to the big screen. While live-action anime films have a reputation for falling flat, Knights of the Zodiac goes all in on its flashy fight scenes and world-ending family drama.

The film features a young girl named Sienna (Madison Iseman) who has mysterious powers awakened inside of her that threaten the safety of the world unless she learns to control them. Her father, Alman Kido (Game of Thrones star Sean Bean), and his close friend Mylock (Mark Dacascos) work to protect her and attempt to find the Knights destined to protect the goddess Sienna is shaping into. They are pursued by her mother, Guraad (Famke Janssen), and the intimidating Nero (Diego Tinoco). Things begin to heat up when the young Seiya (Mackenyu) accidentally awakens abilities in a fighting tournament that lead him right to Sienna and a battle for the world's fate.

Sean Bean's character Alman takes on the responsibility of nurturing Sienna so that her powers could someday be used to save the world rather than end it. However, his ex-wife Guraad has different plans, and their disagreement may be the trigger that starts the largest battles the world has seen. Sean Bean recently joined Screen Rant to talk about his role in Knights of the Zodiac and reflect on some of his best on-screen deaths.

Sean Bean on Parenting a Goddess in Knights of the Zodiac

Screen Rant: Alman's relationship with his daughter provided many of Knights of the Zodiac's most emotionally potent scenes. I hope that none of your children in real life have threatened the safety of our planet, but did Alman teach you anything new in regard to being a father?

Sean Bean: Not really. He's a father or a mentor, but it's a slightly different situation because he's bringing up this Goddess. She can be a bit difficult, not difficult with me, but with my ex-wife, [Guraad], and all the cosmos [energy] she's received. I thought he was a very, very well-rounded, very well-written character. He was sympathetic. And that followed his true passion, which was mythology, Greek mythology, ancient history, folklore and that kind of stuff.

To come across this young girl, this little baby, really was kind of almost [like his] destiny to find something that he believed in, he studied, he was passionate about, and to come across this, which he's probably searched for all his life was quite a massive turning point for him. From then on, we see how things develop with his wife Guraad. They were happily married, and things change dramatically when Sienna comes into our life. So I guess he's got a father's responsibility. But on top of that, he's got the responsibility to help bring up a goddess and the wisdom and the good things that she can bring to the world.

You seem to be well aware that a majority of the characters you've played have perished on camera. For you, what are some of the most memorable deaths that you've had to act out throughout your career?

Sean Bean: I suppose Lord of the Rings was a good one. And my first death was a film called Caravaggio, which is about the artist Caravaggio. [It was a] Derek Jarman film, and he was a wonderful guy, a great director. And that was my first death, and I got my throat slit. It's your first day, and you go "Oh great!", and I suppose the best death was Boromir in Lord of the Rings. That was a very epic kind of death, very emotional, very moving. Peter Jackson allowed me enough time to die and milk it. Yeah, great music and pathos.

It all came together so well. I imagine your James Bond death in Goldeneye, having to react to a satellite falling on you, was a little hard to play out.

Sean Bean: Yeah, at the time as well. Because green screen wasn't as fancy as it is now so, you know we had to use our imaginations. *laughs

With the Game of Thrones franchise seeing a resurgence thanks to House of the Dragon, and with a couple of spin-off series in the works, would you be open to playing Ned Stark again in some sort of flashback or side story?

Sean Bean: *laughs I don't know if Ned would ever be incorporated again. I'm not that clued-up about the [new series]. I've heard it's really good. You know, I'm gonna see that. But yeah, it's always nice to think that you could be involved in some way in such a great series that's something that became [so known] worldwide. I don't think at the time that we knew how big Lord of the Rings was going to turn out, and the same with Game of Thrones. So you know, if I were ever asked again, it would be nice to be involved in some way. And it's the same with Knights of the Zodiac. I wasn't familiar with how vast that was in this scale of popularity and the following it has, so you know maybe [Knights of the Zodiac] will one day become a similar kind of thing.

Sean Bean Interview: Knights Of The Zodiac

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Re: Sean Bean interview
« Reply #56 on: May 09, 2023, 03:44:13 AM »
Sean Bean on Knights of the Zodiac’s "unique" fantasy – and a James Bond reunion
Outside of dying in films, Sean Bean is perhaps best known for his stints in Middle-earth and Westeros. Having been a fixture of the high fantasy scene as both Boromir and Ned Stark, it’s clear the British actor knows a thing or two about what it takes to stand out from the pack in what’s becoming an increasingly crowded marketplace.

That’s something Knights of the Zodiac aims to do. Based on the hit Saint Seiya manga and anime series, the new action movie blends Greek mythology with fantasy hallmarks, focusing on the story of a man – Bean’s Alman Kido – enlisting warriors to protect his daughter. Plot twist: his daughter is also fated to be the vessel for the reincarnation of the goddess Athena. Worlds away, then, from the more intimate political intrigue in Winterfell.

GamesRadar+ recently sat down with Bean to discuss his latest role, including working with The Witcher’s Tomek Baginski on his first feature film and being "hooked" by the source material. He also discusses a long overdue GoldenEye reunion with Famke Janssen, who plays his ex-wife – and potential god-destroyer – Guraad in Knights of the Zodiac and, famously, Xenia Onatopp in the 1995 James Bond movie. The interview has been edited for length and clarity.

 You’ve been part of some of the biggest fantasy franchises in Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones. While this is a very different type of fantasy, how do you think Knights of the Zodiac stands out in what is a more crowded genre than 10-20 years ago?

I wasn’t that familiar with [the manga] Saint Seiya, the Knights of the Zodiac, the kind of history behind it, and how successful and how popular it was in Japan and in certain parts of the world [like] South America and Poland.

But I think what makes this film unique is the fact it’s combined two kinds of elements, which are very interesting to me: Greek mythology – which I was always interested in growing up as a kid – and the Japanese culture, the anime, the manga. Combining those together complements each other very well in the end product. It’s quite fascinating and it’s very exciting.

I read [in a 2019 interview with Vulture(opens in new tab)] that you only read the first book to prepare for Game of Thrones. Was it a similar approach here? Or did you come in fresh?

I think I read a little bit more than that! As I said, I wasn’t that familiar with it. I spoke to the directors and the producers and we explored it a little bit. Once I got into it, I got hooked by it. I tried to incorporate that in my performance.

It became more apparent as we went along filming how intricate and how fascinating the themes of the stories were. The end product is quite unusual.

I’m a huge Bond fan, so it was great to see a mini-GoldenEye reunion with Famke Janssen in this. I know you have appeared in one other film since then, but what was it like sharing the set and sharing the screen together again? Was the chemistry stil the same?

We were all a bit younger then! [laughs]

It was good to work with her again. It’s the first time me and Famke really had any scenes together. On Bond, we saw each other on set, but we didn’t really have any scenes together. I worked with her on [Don’t Say A Word], had a telephone conversation [scene] and never saw her on that film either! So it was nice to actually have scenes with her and thrash it out in the later scenes in the movie. That was good.

I spoke to the Knights of the Zodiac director Tomek Baginski a few years ago for The Witcher – he has a real eye for visual flair. What was the thing that impressed you most about working with him?

He was very clear about what he wanted, he was brilliant with the crew, and great with the actors. He was able to separate the acting and the emotional subject from the crew. He looked like someone who really studied [the source material] for a long time – which I believe he has, because it’s very popular in Poland.

He said at the premiere it’s been years and years since he wanted to try and bring this to an audience. He’s finally had the chance to do it. I think he did a wonderful job: he’s very steady, not a man who gets too excited about things, and he’s very focused on what he’s doing. And I respect him for that. He’s fulfilled his dream with this film because he’s done a great job of it.

Knights of the Zodiac is set for release on May 12 in the United States and July 28 in the UK.

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Re: Sean Bean interview
« Reply #57 on: July 04, 2023, 01:08:04 PM »
Sean Bean, interview for PRO TV News. The actor is filming in Romania for the film "The Yellow Tie"

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Re: Sean Bean interview
« Reply #58 on: April 22, 2024, 01:48:49 AM »
Sean Bean: Actor from Handsworth, Sheffield, rails at lack of working class actors on screen
Sheffield star Sean Bean has railed against the class system in television, in an interview to promote his latest role as a ‘baddie’.

The Handsworth actor said there was a “wealth of talent” in the working class population that “you don’t see too often.”

He spoke out in an interview in The Times to promote Disney’s four-part adaptation of CJ Sansom’s first Shardlake book, Dissolution. He plays Thomas Cromwell, who served as chief minister to King Henry VIII from 1534 to 1540.

He said: “There was a point where everyone was upper-middle class, wasn’t there, in television, playing everything? There still is, but there is just such a wealth of talent in the working-class population of this country you don’t see too often.”

The Times notes that except in Game of Thrones, Bean has rarely been allowed to use his ‘rich Sheffield accent’ in US productions.

The homegrown star went on to recall one script that didn’t live up to expectations.

“It was an American production, a series that was promised to be hard-hitting and you know, vital, and all this kind of stuff and what do they call it? ‘Visceral’ — all the usual jargon. And it turned out to be so tame and diluted that I was very disillusioned by it. And, you know, the restrictions that were placed upon the character that I played were ridiculous. And I wish I hadn’t taken it on,” he said.

Sean Bean’s illustrious career includes historical swashbuckler Sharpe, a military fantasist in Ronin opposite Rober De Niro and a jailed teacher in Time on BBC1 - as well as parts in Bond film GoldenEye and Patriot Games with Harrison Ford.

thanks to
  With thanks to a friendly soul who has a subscription of "The Times":
Sean Bean: ‘Everyone on TV was upper-middle class. There is more talent out there’. The actor and the cast of the new Tudor drama Shardlake reveal they won’t fall foul of the ‘Downton Abbey syndrome’

« Last Edit: April 22, 2024, 04:52:33 AM by patch »

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Re: Sean Bean interview
« Reply #59 on: April 29, 2024, 05:04:42 AM »
Shardlake star Sean Bean on his 'dark and creepy' Thomas Cromwell
Bean spoke exclusively with about his role in the new Disney Plus Tudor mystery series.
New Disney Plus series Shardlake adapts the best-selling series of novels by CJ Sansom, with this first season taking on Dissolution, the first of the author's mystery books.

The story focuses on Matthew Shardlake, a lawyer living in the 16th-century who is assigned by Thomas Cromwell to investigate a murder at a monastery, right during the period of the dissolution of the monasteries.

While Shardlake himself is played by Arthur Hughes, Cromwell is played by Game of Thrones and Lord of the Rings star Sean Bean, who spoke exclusively with about what drew him to the role.

He said: "I think it was his mischievousness and his ruthlessness. And also his charm and the pleasure he took is these belongings that been stolen from the church, the relics and the skull of Saint Barbara and the way he handled them – there was something quite creepy about that.

"And I like the fact he was quite a dark character, apparently was quite a humorous man when he wasn't at work. I found him quite creepy, quite scary, which apparently he was, so that was something that was very nice to play, very rewarding to play, that aspect of his character."

Bean also explained how he came to play Cromwell in the series, saying: "I was sent the scripts, and it's something I immediately wanted to be involved with.

"I'd read the book some time ago, I was in Norway at the time stuck, stuck up in some mountain in snow and I read about three books.

"And then it came along and I thought, ‘Oh I remember these’. I really enjoyed the books and I'm really kind of interested in that period of time and the ramifications of what happened there, so I jumped at the chance to play Cromwell."

At its heart, the series is a genre mash-up between a historical drama and a murder mystery thriller, and speaking at a recent Q&A, Hughes was quick to praise the show's "twisty" mystery element.

 Asked whether he was able to guess the murderer himself, Hughes said: "I think, reading it, I didn't. Because there's so many dead ends, red herrings, and there's just there's a lot of information.

"There's really so many layers to the story – it's quite twisty."

Sean Bean reveals his secret to playing well-known fictional and historical characters
Sean Bean has opened up about how he “doesn’t feel any pressure” about playing well-known fictional and historical characters.

The much-loved
Game of Thrones
 actor - who will next be on our screens as Thomas Cromwell in Disney+’s
historical mystery drama Shardlake
 - also said he doesn’t feel there’s “much difference” between playing fictional characters and characters who once existed in the past.

In Shardlake, lawyer Matthew Shardlake (
Arthur Hughes
)’s sheltered life is turned upside down when Henry VIII’s right-hand man, Thomas Cromwell, sends him to investigate the death of a commissioner at a remote English monastery. The series is adapted from the popular historical fiction books by C.J. Sansom.

Speaking exclusively with about Shardlake,
 said: “I don’t feel any pressure really,” when taking on characters that are well-known by audiences, whether fictional or historical.

“With a fictional character, you can obviously bring more of yourself to the part, or you can discover other aspects of the character,” the Ned Stark actor said. “But you know, I think some people are overwrought when they’re playing real historical figures, which I don’t think they need to be.”

The actor continued by criticising how overthinking an historical role can “[set] a general tone that [those characters] are separate from the audience and that they’re somehow more untouchable.

“I think so long as you bring your humanity to a historical role as well as a fictional role - but especially a historical role - then you know, an audience can relate to you… and it’s more believable,” he added.

Speaking about taking on his role as
the series’ fictional lead
, Matthew Shardlake, Hughes added: “I think it’s always good to find as many things you can that you relate to with a character,” but he also shared how he likes working out what he “doesn’t have in common” with his characters too.

“I wanted this Shardlake on screen to be maybe a bit more of a physical presence, a bit stronger and less kind of afraid [than Shadlake in the books],” he added.

« Last Edit: April 29, 2024, 06:47:21 AM by patch »