« on: May 01, 2022, 06:42:56 AM »
The 'Official' Sheffield Sexy List 2022: The smoking hot celebs and handsome heroes from our city
'Sheffield' and 'sexy' aren't two words you might necessarily think go together, but you should.
While the South Yorkshire city is famous for many things, from its steel to its hills, it has also given us several well-loved faces over the years. And we are going to prove it.
It is home to more beautiful people than can be counted. From Sean Bean to Alex Turner, and Charlie Webster to Jessica Ennis-Hill, Sheffield sure is sexy.
Unfortunately, there's far too many fit residents to fit in one list, but we have picked the best of the best for the 2022 Sheffield sexy list -
let us know in the comments who you think should make the top spot!
« Last Edit: May 01, 2022, 06:52:09 AM by patch »